Eye Cups

All the Z System cameras feature replaceable eye cups. Here’s the 411 on what’s available:

Z5, Z6, Z6 II, Z6 III, Z7, Z7 II Viewfinder Eye Cup

Note that any Eye Cup you use needs to have the notch at the top for the eye detection mechanism to work. There are many older Eye Cups that will fit on the Nikon slip-on edges that do not feature that notch.

Z50 Viewfinder Eye Cup

Note that any Eye Cup you use needs to have the notch at the bottom for the eye detection mechanism to work. There are many older Eye Cups that will fit on the Nikon slip-on edges that do not feature that notch.

Zfc Viewfinder Eye Cup

  • Nikon original is DK-32 
  • The Z50 options also fit on the Zfc

Zf, Z8, and Z9 Viewfinder Eye Cup

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